
Archive for September, 2009

Obama’s Islamic advisor (Dahlia Mogahed) no doubt has told him that Islam is a “religion of peace” and all of Iranian president Ahmadinejad’s bravado about a new, previously untold underground uranium enrichment plant is just a bunch of saber rattling to gain attention. I’m sure Obama’s also been told that the recent test of Iran’s Sahib-3 missiles with 1,200 mile range (enough to strike Israel) is just a routine test.

Obama – and most liberals – desperately want to believe that these people are civilized, and that we can talk them out of their desire to “wipe Israel off the map” by just understaaaanding them. By being seeensitive to their desires, we can cajole them into working hand in hand with the rest of the world. Unicorns and rainbows will herald a new era of peace because we taaaalked with the maniacal dictators, and they took our message to heart and really believed us when we showed them through our humble apologies and disarming ourselves and removing missile defenses from our (former) allies. They will beat their swords into plowshares, and Ahamadinejad and Netenyahoo will sing Kum By Yah together.

Answer this question:

When in all of recorded history has a maniacal dictator ever put down his weapons and layed down his armies because someone talked him into acting peacefully?

You already know the answer: It has never happened. Hitler. Pol Pot. Hirohito. Keep going. A weak America doesn’t make dictators more willing to work with us, it makes them more willing to attack us and crush our allies us by any means while they have the opportunity.

Ahmadinejad strongly adheres to the Shiite belief that the return of the Mahdi will restore peace rid the world of error, injustice, and tyranny (go figure!). That is great, until you understand that the Mahdi will only return after “the world is washed in blood” – World War III – and Ahmadinejad wants that!

The left desperately doesn’t want to believe this truth: WWIII accomplishes the Shiite goal of “the return of the Mahdi.” Millions of Muslims believe this with excitement, including Iranian president Ahmadinejad. And collateral damage (his own people, and other warriors for Islam), and “innocents” (that’s probably where you would put yourself) don’t matter. In his mind, death brings righteous Muslims into paradise quicker, infidels get their right place in hell, and praise Allah, the Mahdi is almost here!

Check this video, especially “hasten the return of the 12th Imam, the Mahdi” (at :46, right out of the maniacal dictators mouth at the UN last week).

There are only two groups of people with Islam. The first is dar al-Islam (the “house of Islam”). Those who have submitted to Islam (and “Islam” means “submit”) are in that category. If you’re reading this, chances are you are not in it. There is only one issue on the table for Ahmadinejad: “will you submit fully to Islam, and institute shariah law in place of democracy?” If the answer is “no” (and it is), then we live in dar al-harb (the house of war), whether you like it or not, and whether you agree with it or not. You don’t even have to do anything to make them angry: you are a filthy plague on this earth by your very existence, and those who are within Islam (“his pure household and his noble companions” per Ahmadinejad’s own voice above) have a duty to cleanse the world. Remember, Osama Bin Laden declared war on the West, and fundamentalist Islamists are at war with you, and what are you going to do about it? If you’re not going to convert to Islam and join the jihad against the infidels, then you are the enemy.

Fundamentalist Muslims don’t want to talk,

they want Islam to prevail at any cost.

(and you’re probably getting in the way of that by breathing).

There are peaceful Muslims, but there is no peaceful Islam.

As one blogger put it: “Obama’s unclenched fist policy is failing miserably.”

  • Let Obama know that you want him to stand firm against Islam’s war against the world.
  • Complete list of congress’ email and fax numbers here.
  • Another “contact congress” option is here.
  • Contact your representatives to put pressure on him to protect us and our interests from these religious warriors.
  • Contact the media (radio, TV, blogs) and help them know more.
  • Check out this “what can you do” link (there are LOTS of things you can do, but  – here’s the tease – check out number 9 especially).

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First the really important information, thank you Jihad Watch:

Latest updates on the case here. Please contact Gov. Crist and the FL DCF and urge them to ask the court to keep her in Florida state custody. Here’s the contact info:

Governor Charlie Crist’s office:
Phone: (850) 488-4441, (850) 488-7146
Fax: (850) 487-0801
Email: Charlie.Crist@MyFlorida.com

Florida Department of Children and Family:
George H. Sheldon, Secretary
1317 Winewood Blvd.
Building 1, Room 202
Tallahassee, Florida
Phone: (850) 487-1111
Fax: (850) 922-2993

My own letter is below:

Dear Governor Crist,
The Rifqa Bary issue has reached a national news level, I’m sure you know.
I am writing to encourage you to do what is right for America. Muslim groups are watching closely, as are thousands of young teens like Rifqa who are cowering under Islam’s thumb in their own house. They cower not just over perceived apostasy from Islam, but for fear that any perception that they are Western in any way will bring about an honor killing in their own home.
We are the land of the free, and the home of the brave. A brave girl has struggled to escape for her life, and to escape the Islamic prescribed mandate for apostasy – death. It is written clearly in the Islamic Hadiths (“sayings” of Mohammed), and supported in Surah 18 of the Qur’an. All four major schools of Islamic thought agree on this prescribed death sentence, it is not up for discussion, though Muslim groups in the US and abroad would have you believe otherwise…
Because her parent’s lawyers and CAIR are putting a spin on it that is in accordance with Islamic teaching as well:
*  “Kitman,” which means “withholding all of the truth (to advance Islam)” and
*  “Taqiyya,” which means deception against an enemy (in this case, you and our infidel laws).
The Qur’an condones lying and deception as long as it advances Islam.
If you buy into it, you will likely be sending this young girl to her death, or at least to an insane asylum in Sri Lanka. That would be a tragedy of epic proportions.
This is also the land of the free. Rifqa is now free, and in her heart she will always be free (in Christ), but she won’t physically free – or safe – if you return her into the hands of Islam.
Please do all you can to guarantee her safety, and keep her in Florida.
Paul Revere

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