
Posts Tagged ‘Muslim’

All you need to know about the recent uprising in Egypt can be found in two words floating innocuously behind the mainstream headlines and pictures of hundreds of thousands of Egyptians in the streets: Muslim Brotherhood.

Here in America, we value freedom, and the idea of different religious factions vying for attention is actually applauded and encouraged, even differing points of view, and the exchange is healthy. But the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is not about freedom from tyrant Hosni Mubarak, it’s about using the momentum of unrest to usher in the bedrock foundation of the Muslim Brotherhood from its inception in 1928: the imposition of strict sharia law for every citizen.

The media would have you believe that Hosni Mubarak, the president of Egypt for three decades, is a maniacal tyrant who crushes dissent and rules the country with an iron fist, and they’d be right on that account. But what the aren’t telling you is that is how it’s done in Middle Eastern, predominantly Muslim countries. The idea of “democracy” as we know it, is totally foreign to them. Democracy is “man’s law” and it totally incompatible with (Islamic) sharia law: “the law of Allah.” In any Islamic country, people with power execute their rule at their will, without regard to individual’s concerns, and they crush dissent, and generate a coalition of disparate groups – through coercion, threats, and violence – that will “go along” with them. And the corrupt government (and they’re ALL corrupt) keeps the country from descending into chaos with this twisted kind of rule. This is the norm in the Middle East. The only “free democracy” in the whole Middle East is Israel.

History is busy repeating itself. In 1979 there was unrest in Iran. The people of Iran, urged on by the Mullah’s, revolted against the tyrannical president Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi (the “Shah of Iran”) for being too pro-Western, and for being tyrannical in his treatment of Iranian citizens who disagreed with his policies. Indeed U.S. President Jimmy Carter denounced the Shah for human rights violations, withdrew support, and gave a green light for Islamic radicals to institute a new government. What we have now in Iran is a hard-core Islamic theocracy, dominated by sharia law, religious police (and even worse atrocities than under the Shah, such as this woman killed by Iran’s morality police (caution: graphic)), dictates from the Mullah’s, and defiance to the world by President Ahmadinejad, who speaks to Islamic audiences that Israel is a disgraceful blot that needs to be wiped off the map. He has also publicly proclaimed a right for Iran to be a nuclear nation (for peaceful purposes, of course). More crazy talk from him here, here, here, here, and here. Ahmadinejad, an Islamic “Shiite,” believes fervently in the return of the Mahdi (the Islamic “messiah” who will bring the world fully into submission under Islam), which will only come after a time of great unrest. Ahmadinejad hopes to bring unrest: infidels be damned to their rightful place in hell, and Muslims caught in the crossfire will go to “paradise.” The threat of “mutually assured destruction” (MAD) that kept the cold war in check is not a deterrent to Islamic fundamentalists (and that IS the Muslim Brotherhood). Thanks to the changes the world allowed in 1979, Iran is now the heart of worldwide unrest. And we’re doing it again.

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is not about freedom, it’s about ousting a leader – Hosni Mubarak – who they feel is “not Islamic enough.” This is their chance. El Baradei is sympathetic to the cause of the Muslim Brotherhood, if not opportunistic to be used by them to achieve his own power goals. There’s plenty of corruption on both sides. Baradei wants to seize power, and the Muslim Brotherhood will help him with that. The Muslim Brotherhood would like to see Egypt become a sharia state, and Baradei will likely go along with that. This will be a disaster for U.S. interests if this happens. In essence, this shift represents the formation of a second Iran. And we know how well that regime has worked out.

The Muslim Brotherhood’s U.S. branch, the Muslim American Society has a noteworthy goal telling its members that,

…all their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” their miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all religions.

It should be noted here “God’s religion” is that of Allah (Islam). And Islam means “submit.”

The Muslim Brotherhood anywhere is not a human right’s protector, nor is it interested in “freedom” and “democracy.” The Muslim Brotherhood’s has spawned Al Qaeda (worldwide), Hamas in Palestine (who’s charter calls for the destruction of Israel), and their slogan is, “Allah is our objective. The Prophet [Mohammed] is our leader.  Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”

And if all of this is not enough, Iran recently weighed in with it’ support, saying the Egyptian revolt is the start of an Islamic revolution in the Middle East.

What is happening in Egypt is pivitol. Everywhere Islam takes hold, human rights are flushed. Mubarak is bad. Sharia is worse. The Muslim Brotherhood is the purveyor of this change.

Need the basics? Check out “Three Things About Islam.”

Need help with what to do? Check out Citizen Warrior.

Need daily perspective? Check out Weasel Zippers.

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BJ Shay is the host of the morning radio show on KISW 99.9 FM in Seattle. There’s usually a good deal of topical talk on the show on “The Rock.” This morning’s brief topic at 7:30am had to do with Shea’s opinions on Tea Party Nation (website) founder Judson Phillips comments that congressman Keith Ellison should be retired because he’s a Muslim.

Shea is clearly no partaker of any religion, and stated this morning he doesn’t mind if anyone practices their own religion as long as they “keep it to themselves.” Of course, he thought it ridiculous that someone would consider ousting a congressman because he’s a Muslim.

This speaks VOLUMES of Shay’s ignorance.

He also said he thinks Islam is just like Christianity, which turns UP the volume on that ignorance. He should watch the genius Swedish video  “Three Things About Islam” so he can at least sound like he knows a LITTLE about Islam.

USA Today piled on about this subject, bringing the recent firing of NPR’s Juan Williams into it, and suggesting that Islamophobia is on par with homophobia. They’re not: gays don’t usually threaten harm (or death) if you if you say you’re “uncomfortable” with them. Islam does. Gays don’t have a codified religious law that is supposed to govern everything they do. Islam does (sharia). Gay literature doesn’t say, “slay the infidels wherever you find them.” Islam does (Qur’an 9:5).

A phobia is an irrational fear. We have a legitimate fear from an ideology that has NO “live and let live” mentality, and in fact is bent on forcing the world through coercion, subversion (creeping sharia), intimidation (CAIR lawsuits, Ground Zero Mosque), or threats of harm or death to succumb to Islam. Islam MEANS “submit.” Islamic sharia law – in the minds of all Muslims: “god’s law” – is incompatible with freedom and democracy.

The Qur’an says, “Allah is not bound by any contract or treaty with non-Muslims, nor is His Apostle.” (9:3). Think of how that plays out on an international level, with all the apologizing and pandering President Obama does in Muslim nations. Do you think any Muslim is bound in his own mind when he says, “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States.”

Amir Taheri sums up the Muslim mindset beautifully in this GREAT article in the Iranian Press Service:

“To say that Islam is incompatible with democracy should not be seen as a disparagement of Islam. On the contrary, many Muslims would see it as a compliment because they sincerely believe that their idea of rule by God is superior to that of rule by men, which is democracy”.

There is no “equality” in Islam; and non-Muslims are not just “neutral unbelievers,” they are “inferior.” Christianity – the religion of most Americans – upholds the dignity of EVERY person, which is why you see Americans coming to the rescue of nations subject to national disasters (even in HUGE Muslim population countries like Indonesia). The only way a Muslim can rightly represent free people as a congressman is to discard sharia, that is, to discard the codification of “god’s law” in favor of respecting the laws of this nation. As you can imagine, any practicing Muslim would not do this; It’s tantamount to discarding Islam. So really, the only Muslim fit for upholding the constitution of the United States is a MINO: a “Muslim In Name Only.” In other words: a non-Muslim.

More reading here:

On a Collision Course: Democracy and Islam by Robert Spencer in Human Events

The Terrifying Brilliance of Islam by (atheist) CitizenWarrior

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by Tracy, No Compromise Media

America is beginning to see the introduction of halal certified food products and certified companies thus the need for this exposition.

Halal is arabic and translates to legal or permitted.  Haram translates to forbidden and mushbooh translates to unknown. Food has to be prepared a certain way to meet Sharia Law/ Halal standards.

Halal is not necessarily only a food item but it can also define an individual as well as an individual company.  sFor example,  a tomato is halal, but it may not be processed according to Sharia Law thus making it haram or mushbooh.

In order for a company, which is defined as farms, ranches, fisheries, and food processing plants,  to become Halal Certified,  another process has to take place, which we will discuss that later.

Don’t think that halal only applies to food.  It also applies to all non-food products such as lotions, hair sprays, make-up, etc.

However let’s just focus on food.  Halal foods are foods that have no pork,  blood, or alcohol  within the product.  If the food product is a meat then halal extends to how it is processed. The animal has to be alive at the time the animal is slaughtered.

This answers the question as to why Muslims want certification on fish and poultry products.

Sharia law demands that food processors add other components in order to get the Halal Certification of the product, or the company itself which includes the Halal Certification logo, see below

To get a certification, a company must:

  1. Have Halal employees who are involved in the production which “includes the person in charge, those who order the raw materials,  and those in charge of packaging.”  In other words, the company must hire halal compliant employees.  Does this mean the company can only hire koranic observant muslims or will employees of the company have to submit to Sharia compliant rules including conversion to Islam?
  2. Slaughter the animal according to Sharia Law.  This means that the animal is either hung up, or placed in a position so that the head is pointing towards Mecca, alive,  and then ONLY a muslim can take a sharp knife,  and slice its jugular vein allowing the beast to be drained of its blood while a muslim of “sound mind” screeches “allah akbar” over the animal.
  3. Once the animal has been drained of blood then the animal is processed in a plant free from pork, blood, or alcohol processing.

Not only do companies have to comply with the rules above but they will also have to change recipes they may have had for 100 years or more.  The Campbell’s Soup Company, which was established in 1922, or the Cocoa Cola Company which became incorporated in 1892 will have to strip itself of the way they do business. Companies seeking halal standards will have to have an entire wing just to deal with halal standards i.e. hiring, building of plants, food processing, etc.   This begs the question: Will these companies have to submit to Sharia compliant financing as well including giving zakat?

Currently, if an observant muslim wants to know if a food product is halal they can go to one of two websites,

  1. the Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America’s website, or
  2. the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), logo below.

The customer can scan the 100s of products listed for halal status and or certification. ISNA IS working towards advancing its cause of certifying as many Canadian and American companies as possible.

One argument they use is:

Islam is the fastest growing religion, and the American muslim population is growing,  thus,  don’t you want to get involved with this yearly 170 billion dollar market?  Sure you do! Here’s how to do it!

What they don’t tell you at the time of the company’s multicultural submission is that the companies have to build set part plants and hire only muslims.

The companies named above are going Halal in European markets including Canada.  McDonald’s Company just announced that its British stores are selling halal products.  When this writer wrote to the American McDonald’s Company announcing her boycott of all future McDonald’s sales, the representative stated

McDonald’s USA has no connection to the European menu selections.

A closer examination of her assertion states otherwise as the stock isn’t segregated by national markets and that it is still ALL one global company, so make sure when you write to any of these companies be aware of this future talking point.

In conclusion, what starts in Europe soon becomes advanced on the North American continent and I for one don’t want to spend my money on products that comply with a regressive political ideology that wants to do to me, and what was done to Nick Berg,  in the same manner that they slaughter their meat.

Source:  http://muslimbusinessusa.com/muslim_companies_america.php

Source:  http://www.ifanca.org/index.php

Look for the Halal Label!

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In my recent related blog piece Mollycoddling Maniacal Dictators, I talked about the futility of trying to “work with” crazy people who just want us to “submit” (which is what “Islam” means); It’s really their only issue. Yet I see glimmers of hope recently (thank you, Ground Zero Mosque discussions), that Westerners are starting to get it. I’ll bet you are one of them.

With that, I bring you this piece (hat tip to Weasel Zippers):

New Qaeda Mag Features “Proud” U.S. Traitor

A helpful article entitled “The Ultimate Mowing Machine” features advice on how to modify an F-150 truck for maximum crowd carnage, a reminder to carry a gun to finish off those who weren’t killed, and the pleasant admonition that,

“You keep fighting until you achieve martyrdom. You start out your day in this world, and by the end of it, you are with Allah.”

Please note a few things about this new magazine might rattle you just a bit:

  • This publication, “Inspire,” is a magazine for terrorists. Actually, I never saw the word “terrorist” when researching this, because Muslims unabashedly prefer to use the REAL word for “terrorist” – a broader more encompassing word that we won’t use in the West – “Jihadi.”
  • This magazine is in English. I’m betting its target audience already speaks English, or they’ve got the stupidest marketing director in the world (they don’t. They know exactly who they’re aiming for (pun intended)).
  • The cover article of the most recent edition (74 pages of infidel exploding goodness) features a former North Carolina man, Samir Khan, who has been tutored (online?) by Anwar Awlaki, the same guy who trained up the Fort Hood jihadi and the (failed) Underwear Bomber.

Catch THIS quote from Khan,

“I am a traitor to America because my religion requires me to be one,” writes 24-year-old Samir Khan, a U.S. citizen now believed to be in Yemen. “We pledge to wage jihad for the rest of our lives until either we implant Islam all over the world or meet our Lord as bearers of Islam.”

He is one of millions.

And still our state department can’t seem to call these jihadis “terrorists.” Remember, acts of terrorism are still classified under Janet Nipolatano and our nearly clueless administration as “man caused disasters.” It’s stupid. Because The unifying factor in nearly ALL terrorism around the world is Islam.

In my previous piece, I asked, “When in all of recorded history has a maniacal dictator ever put down his weapons and layed down his armies because someone talked him into acting peacefully?”

This time, I want to ask,

When in all of recorded history has a jihadi (of ANY color) ever put down his weapons because someone talked him into acting peacefully?

Unlike the previous answer (which is “never”), the answer to this question is, “extremely rarely,” but it seems to happen most often when a Muslim becomes a Christian. Former Palestinian terrorist Walid Shoebat is a great example. You should get his book. It’s hard to find ex-Muslims turned Christian though, because Mohammed mandated “If a muslim discards his Islamic religion, kill him.” (Bukhari V4B52N260). Fundamentalist Muslims take this very seriously.

Back to Khan. It is clear that Jihadi recruiters are targeting the west, and most notably US prisons, where they can capitalize on the angst of a prisoner who got nailed by “The Man,” and prison Imams give them a grand opportunity to “stick it to da’ man” while getting the wholehearted blessing of some Arabic deity, and the promise that if they die as a martyr they will be guaranteed 72 virgins in paradise; what sex offender could possibly resist? College campuses are prime too, and Islamists have camps all over the US right now for training new recruits in the ways of peace and love jihad.

Several big name Islamic leaders have declared war on “the West” and “The U.S.” It is foolish of us to pretend that their intent is benign or fading with time. It is not. The Qur’an has hundreds of ongoing mandates to convert or kill unbelievers, which “Muslims in name only” (MINOs) (thankfully) ignore daily. The rest of them – the most devout – are deadly serious about carrying out Allah’s directives. Several estimates put the “radicals” at about 20%; that’s still two hundred forty million dedicated servants of Allah to shout “Allahu Akbar” as they crash the next plane, blow the next bomb, or use a chemical or biological weapon, or – heaven forbid – a nuke. How long will we close our eyes and go, “nya nya nya, I am not listening?” The War has been declared on you, and you’re in it whether you like it or not. We need to deal with these people, because the threat is real and imminent.

They way we deal with people who have a fanatical devotion to see the world submit to Islam or die, is to

a)    Know the truth. The video “Three Things About Islam” is a great place to start. www.CitizenWarrior.com is another.

b)    Then tell other’s about the truth. Blog. FaceBook. Refer interesting videos or blogs to to others. Email. Chat. Or daily conversations. It affects us all.

c)    Say “no” to sharia, concessions, or any other attempts to Islamize America. Understand this: democracy and Islamic sharia law are incompatible. Osama Bin Laden once said that “moderate Islam is a prostration to the West.” In fact, in one of his letters declaring war on the west, he said radical Islam IS Islam.

d)    Educate your leaders about the real threat Islam poses, and encourage them to stand up to Islam’s relentless encroachment. Right now it’s politically correct NOT to call a spade a spade; then the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) comes by and labels you a “hater.” But the real hate is found in the words of the Qur’an, and that needs to be pointed out.

It’s not so much a battle on the ground (terrorist acts / creeping sharia) as it is a battle of ideas. Now you have the right ideas; Get on with saving the world.

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Lest you think that all terrorist are lunatics hardened in the deserts of Afghanistan, Shahzad is a softspoken married naturalized US Citizen with a charming smile; And he will be in jail for life for attempting to blow up New York’s Times Square. Read the NY Post account here.

Here’s some more of what this “nice guy” said,

  • If I am given a thousand lives, I will sacrifice them all for the sake of Allah fighting this cause, defending our lands, making the word of Allah supreme over any religion or system.
  • We Muslims don’t abide by human-made laws, because they are always corrupt … the only true judgment will be on the day of resurrection when Allah will judge between me and you as to who is fighting for the just cause. (Editor’s Note: Most Muslims consider themselves to be perpetually in a state of defensive war, whereby all actions are sanctioned)
  • We don’t accept your democracy nor your freedom, because we already have Sharia law and freedom. Furthermore, brace yourselves, because the war with Muslims has just begun. Consider me only a first droplet of the flood that will follow me.
  • the defeat of U.S. is imminent and will happen in the near future, inshallah [Allah-willing], which will only give rise to much awaited Muslim caliphate [the return of the Mahdi, the Islamic “messiah”], which is the only true world order.
  • And so it’s very clear for us Muslims, either we are with the mujahideen or we are with crusading losing Christians. There is no in between. Blessed the immigrants and the leader Sheikh Usama Bin Laden, who will be known as no less than Saladin of the 21 century crusade and blessed be those who give him asylum.
  • My sentence, if you allow me to speak, will be only for the limit that God has given me life in this world. But if you people don’t become believers, the life that you would get in the hereafter, which you don’t believe in, will be forever. So I’m happy with the deal that God has given me.

Did you get that? He is HAPPY with his life sentence, but more importantly, for the opportunity to TERRORIZE UNBELIEVERS INTO TURNING TO ISLAM. Islamic writings support this:

  • “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘I have been made victorious with terror.'” – Bukhari:V4B52N220
  • “I shall terrorize the infidels. So wound their bodies and incapacitate them because they oppose Allah and His Apostle.” – Qur’an:8:12
  • “If you gain mastery over them in battle, inflict such a defeat as would terrorize them, so that they would learn a lesson and be warned.” – Qur’an:8:57

Shahzad spoke of intentionally lying [the Islamic notion of taqiyya: deceiving unbelievers to advance Islam] about his devotion to the United States, when he gave his oath at his naturalization ceremony last April,

THE COURT: All right. You became a naturalized American citizen some years ago, isn’t that right?
SHAHZAD: Yes. … I think it was April last year

THE COURT: Last year. Didn’t you swear allegiance to this country when you became an American citizen?

SHAHZAD: I did swear, but I did not mean it
THE COURT: I see. You took a false oath?

Which holds perfectly to Islamic holy writings. This is taken from a Jihad Watch article:

Qur’an 3:28 warns Muslims not to take unbelievers as “friends or helpers” … “unless (it be) that ye but guard yourselves against them.” This is a foundation of the idea that believers may legitimately deceive unbelievers when under pressure. The word used for “guard” in the Arabic is tuqātan, the verbal noun from taqiyyatan — hence the increasingly familiar term taqiyya. Ibn Kathir says that the phrase given above as “unless (it be) that ye but guard yourselves against them” means that “believers who in some areas or times fear for their safety from the disbelievers” may “show friendship to the disbelievers outwardly, but never inwardly. For instance, Al-Bukhari recorded that Abu Ad-Darda’ said, ‘We smile in the face of some people although our hearts curse them.’ Al-Bukhari said that Al-Hasan said, ‘The Tuqyah [taqiyya] is allowed until the Day of Resurrection.'”

Islamic writings support this too:

  • “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘War is deceit.’ – Bukhari:V4B52N268
  • “Whomever Allah wants to deceive you cannot help. Allah does not want them to know the truth because he intends to disgrace them and then torture them.” – Qur’an 5:41
  • “By Muhammad’s order we beguiled them.” – Ishaq:442

Feeling beguiled yet? Maybe you still think Islam is a “religion of peace.”

We saw this “hate speech” just a couple weeks ago when a UW student fired off some vitriol at the “Stop the 911 Mosque” website. Know where he gets it? The Qur’an.

This kind of thinking – we must advance Islam at all costs, and the infidels WILL be converted or die – is found HUNDREDS of times in the Qur’an. The ones who perpetrate these acts are not anomalies, and they are not the “fringe” or “extremists”; They are the ones following the Qur’an to the letter.

Are all Muslims terrorists? Of course not. But moderates do not mean ANYTHING in the national argument, because terrorists set the agenda and the Qur’an also states that “moderates” should be killed too. My guess is you won’t hear many “moderate Muslims” speaking out about terrorists hijacking Islam, because

a)    It’s not true, and

b)    They would be killed (or at minimum severely threatened) for doing so.

And here’s a kicker where a New Jersy (Yemeni) Man in Custody for joining Al-Qaeda; Sharif Mobley spoke openly of jihad while working in a nuke plant. Just another day in PC America, and one day closer to the day we let some Muslim calmly blow Americans to bits while peacefully shaking our hands, shouting “Allahu akbar.” Why? There’s only one reason:

The Qur’an tells them to.

You just need to be aware of that.

One final note, Shahzad’s judge had this comment:

You appear to be someone who was capable of education, and I do hope that you will spend some of the time in prison thinking carefully about whether the Koran wants you to kill lots of people.

There is no question: it absolutely does.

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