
Posts Tagged ‘News’

by Tracy, No Compromise Media

America is beginning to see the introduction of halal certified food products and certified companies thus the need for this exposition.

Halal is arabic and translates to legal or permitted.  Haram translates to forbidden and mushbooh translates to unknown. Food has to be prepared a certain way to meet Sharia Law/ Halal standards.

Halal is not necessarily only a food item but it can also define an individual as well as an individual company.  sFor example,  a tomato is halal, but it may not be processed according to Sharia Law thus making it haram or mushbooh.

In order for a company, which is defined as farms, ranches, fisheries, and food processing plants,  to become Halal Certified,  another process has to take place, which we will discuss that later.

Don’t think that halal only applies to food.  It also applies to all non-food products such as lotions, hair sprays, make-up, etc.

However let’s just focus on food.  Halal foods are foods that have no pork,  blood, or alcohol  within the product.  If the food product is a meat then halal extends to how it is processed. The animal has to be alive at the time the animal is slaughtered.

This answers the question as to why Muslims want certification on fish and poultry products.

Sharia law demands that food processors add other components in order to get the Halal Certification of the product, or the company itself which includes the Halal Certification logo, see below

To get a certification, a company must:

  1. Have Halal employees who are involved in the production which “includes the person in charge, those who order the raw materials,  and those in charge of packaging.”  In other words, the company must hire halal compliant employees.  Does this mean the company can only hire koranic observant muslims or will employees of the company have to submit to Sharia compliant rules including conversion to Islam?
  2. Slaughter the animal according to Sharia Law.  This means that the animal is either hung up, or placed in a position so that the head is pointing towards Mecca, alive,  and then ONLY a muslim can take a sharp knife,  and slice its jugular vein allowing the beast to be drained of its blood while a muslim of “sound mind” screeches “allah akbar” over the animal.
  3. Once the animal has been drained of blood then the animal is processed in a plant free from pork, blood, or alcohol processing.

Not only do companies have to comply with the rules above but they will also have to change recipes they may have had for 100 years or more.  The Campbell’s Soup Company, which was established in 1922, or the Cocoa Cola Company which became incorporated in 1892 will have to strip itself of the way they do business. Companies seeking halal standards will have to have an entire wing just to deal with halal standards i.e. hiring, building of plants, food processing, etc.   This begs the question: Will these companies have to submit to Sharia compliant financing as well including giving zakat?

Currently, if an observant muslim wants to know if a food product is halal they can go to one of two websites,

  1. the Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America’s website, or
  2. the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), logo below.

The customer can scan the 100s of products listed for halal status and or certification. ISNA IS working towards advancing its cause of certifying as many Canadian and American companies as possible.

One argument they use is:

Islam is the fastest growing religion, and the American muslim population is growing,  thus,  don’t you want to get involved with this yearly 170 billion dollar market?  Sure you do! Here’s how to do it!

What they don’t tell you at the time of the company’s multicultural submission is that the companies have to build set part plants and hire only muslims.

The companies named above are going Halal in European markets including Canada.  McDonald’s Company just announced that its British stores are selling halal products.  When this writer wrote to the American McDonald’s Company announcing her boycott of all future McDonald’s sales, the representative stated

McDonald’s USA has no connection to the European menu selections.

A closer examination of her assertion states otherwise as the stock isn’t segregated by national markets and that it is still ALL one global company, so make sure when you write to any of these companies be aware of this future talking point.

In conclusion, what starts in Europe soon becomes advanced on the North American continent and I for one don’t want to spend my money on products that comply with a regressive political ideology that wants to do to me, and what was done to Nick Berg,  in the same manner that they slaughter their meat.

Source:  http://muslimbusinessusa.com/muslim_companies_america.php

Source:  http://www.ifanca.org/index.php

Look for the Halal Label!

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This from Jeffrey Imm in the comments section, but it deserves more prominence (here ya go, Jeffrey):

To those willing to do something about it, Responsible for Equality And Liberty plans a public protest outside the Oak Lawn Hilton the morning of the conference – see our web site at:

We can get from behind our computers and actually show the public that we are willing to be Responsible for Equality And Liberty…

The Oak Lawn Hilton’s website is here:


And their phone number is 1-708-425-7800, and ask for the manager in charge of meetings, and let him or her know the treason their about to sponsor, and perhaps gently remind them that the Qur’an itself is full of the “hate speech” (and corresponding bad publicity) they probably don’t want associated with the fine Hilton family of hotels.


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Please read our petition and fill in the form below to add your signature. Then, forward this petition to your friends and family.

(ACT! For America Privacy Policy: We value your privacy and we will not give, rent or sell your contact information to any other organization. By providing us this information you help us ensure that everyone who signs the petition participates only once.)

We the American people call on our U.S. Congress to conduct hearings for the purpose of examining extremist materials that have been found in American mosques that:

  • exhort Muslims to engage in holy war (jihad) against us;
  • incite terror and violence against us;
  • call for abolishing our constitutional form of government and replacing it with the theological totalitarianism of strict Islamic law, known as “sharia.”

There have been a number of studies of materials sold or distributed in mosques in America;

These studies have uncovered materials containing information that include calls to jihad (holy war), incitement of terror and violence, and the abolition of our constitutional form of government;

One such study of 100 American mosques found that 75% of these mosques contained such material;

There have also been video and audio recordings of Islamic leaders in America calling for jihad against America, violence against America, and the replacement of America’s constitutional government with Islamic sharia law, such as these words by a leading American imam, “…and even if we go to war brothers and sisters, and one day we will…that’s why you’re commanded to jihad…When Allah demands us to fight, we’re not stopping…”;

Such incitements to jihad, terror, violence and the abolition of our constitutional form of government are illustrated by the following examples, excerpted from materials that have been distributed in mosques in recent years:

  • “…we [Muslims] will not stop…but will pursue this evil force to its own lands, invade its Western heartland, and struggle to overcome it until all the world shouts by the name of the Prophet and the teachings of Islam spread throughout the world. Only then will Muslims achieve their fundamental goal, and there will be no more ‘persecution’ and all religion will be exclusively for Allah….”
  • “To be true Muslims, we must prepare and be ready for jihad in Allah’s way. It is the duty of the citizen and the government. The military education is glued to faith and its meaning, and the duty to follow it.”
  • “[O]ur doctrine states that if you accept any religion other than Islam, like Judaism or Christianity, which are not acceptable, you become an unbeliever. If you do not repent, you are an apostate and you should be killed because you have denied the Koran.”
  • A document which states that supporting democracy amounts to “nullify[ing] one’s Islam.” Another which exhorts Muslims that changing government systems such as democratic ones is “binding in principle, in law, in self-defense, in community and as a sacred obligation of jihad.”
  • “Muslim countries have been ruled by manmade systems ….This overlay of secular cultures makes it all the more necessary to abolish all traces of such primitive life (jahiliyya) and to reinforce the understanding and application of the eternal and universal Islamic deen [religion] until it becomes the ruling power throughout the world.”

The links between an extremist ideology and Islamic terror were reported in the 9/11 Commission Report, which stated:

“But the enemy is not just ‘terrorism,’ some generic evil. This vagueness blurs the strategy. The catastrophic threat at this moment in history is more specific. It is the threat posed by Islamist terrorism – especially al Qaeda network, its affiliates and its ideology.”

A Pew Research Center survey in 2007 found that 26% of American Muslims under the age of 30 believe suicide bombings are at times justified and legitimate;

Since the practice of religion in America does not include the right to create the imminent threat of terror or incite violence, terror, and the advocacy of the abolition of our constitutional form of government;

We, the American people, have a right to know to what extent the incitement to terror, violence and the overthrow of our constitutional form of government is being advocated through materials within Muslim tax-exempt organizations in our country, and a recent nationwide poll found that 74% of American voters agree that Congress should conduct hearings to examine such materials;

Since there is sufficient evidence to indicate that the information in some materials sold or distributed in mosques in America rises to the level of a genuine threat to our nation’s security and liberty;

Since it is the first responsibility of our federal government to safeguard the national security of our country and its citizens and guests;

And because the oath of office of a Member of Congress is an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution;

We, the undersigned, call upon Congress to conduct hearings to examine materials that have been uncovered that have been sold or distributed in mosques in the United States, to determine if these materials violate federal statutes governing tax-exempt organizations; to determine if these materials violate federal anti-terrorism statutes; and to determine if these materials violate federal statutes prohibiting sedition, the advocacy and/or effort of abolishing or overthrowing our constitutional form of government.

Sign In Here!

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